I am Yoshida, president of Yamada Shusei Ltd., a professional apparel garment repair group in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.
In creating a good working environment, it is essential to improve wages, holidays, and benefits in a comprehensive manner. At the same time, it is a prerequisite to secure profits and stabilize the company's management. As I ponder the company calendar for the coming year, I wonder what I should do.
1) Management severity
Management severity refers to the various challenges and difficulties that managers face, such as market changes, increased competition, and cost pressures. Dealing with these challenges requires strategic judgment and decision making, efficient organizational management, and resource allocation. Meeting the rigors of management is essential for the survival and growth of a company.
2) Rewarding management
Reward, on the other hand, refers to the sense of satisfaction, accomplishment, and self-actualization that one derives from one's work. These are factors that increase employee motivation and engagement, and also affect productivity, creativity, and innovation. A sense of fulfillment is also linked to employee happiness and loyalty.
3) Management Severity and Reward
Management severity and fulfillment seem to be opposites at first glance, and considering that the role of management is to balance them can lead to sacrificing one or the other.
For example, increasing employee workloads or reducing compensation and benefits in order to cope with the severity of management may undermine the sense of fulfillment. Conversely, if you increase employee flexibility or enhance compensation and benefits in order to make them more rewarding, you risk making them less able to cope with the rigors of management.
4) ”Harmony”, not "balance”
What is important here is not balance but harmony. Harmony is "the harmonization of different things to create a beautiful whole. Managers need to view the harshness and satisfaction of management not as opposites, but as complementary.
For example, "work style reform" is an initiative to simultaneously enhance "workability" and "satisfaction. By implementing "work style reforms," "job satisfaction" can be enhanced. If "job satisfaction" increases, we can expect such benefits as "improved business performance," "lower turnover," and "employee growth.
In this way, " severity of management" and " rewarding" work in harmony to increase "job satisfaction" and lead to "corporate growth". It can be said that managers should aim for harmony between " severity of management" and " rewarding work".