I am Yoshida, president of Yamada Shusei Ltd., a professional apparel clothing repair company in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.
At a training I attended in July, I was asked to "Rediscover your strengths and 50 strengths! I was encouraged to ask other people, such as family, friends, and colleagues. I was encouraged to ask my family, friends, and colleagues, so I did and collected 80 words!
The figure at the beginning of this section shows the results of the AI text mining tool. The words with the highest scores are selected and are shown in blue for nouns, red for verbs, and green for adjectives.
The word "caring" is in the center of the chart.
This assignment has led me to think about the direction of management that makes the most of my characteristics. At the same time, it also served as a "reframing" of my own.
First of all, what image comes to mind when you hear the word "compassion"?
Gentle, warm, kind, attentive, considerate, etc.?
These are certainly aspects of "compassion.
But there is another side to compassion:
strong, brave, just, principled, responsible, etc.
Compassion means considering the position and feelings of others as well as one's own.
It requires having a clear sense of one's own values and purpose and communicating them to others.
Compassion also means wishing for the happiness and growth of others and supporting them.
It requires maximizing one's abilities and contributions and offering them to others.
Management that takes advantage of the individuality of "compassion" means having "compassion" for both oneself and others.
Being "compassionate" toward oneself means recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses and pursuing one's own goals and dreams.To be compassionate toward others is to meet their needs and expectations, and to support their goals and dreams.
It is possible to run a profitable business by leveraging the individuality of Compassion.
By being Compassionate, you can build trust and long-term relationships with employees, customers, and partners. Compassion enables us to facilitate our own and others' learning and growth, and to generate innovative ideas and solutions. With Compassion, you can celebrate your own and others' challenges and successes, and deal with crises and failures.
Through "Compassion," we can contribute to society by managing our business in a way that is unique.
With Compassion, we can take an interest in social issues and challenges and work on solutions. With Compassion, we can provide products and services that are in line with social values and a sense of purpose. With Compassion, we can demonstrate our social influence and responsibility, and contribute to the happiness and growth of society as a whole.
Rediscover your strengths! I am very glad that I was able to rediscover values that I am not usually aware of, but that are actually very influential.
I will continue to work positively toward management that makes the most of my "compassionate" personality.